18 июля - HUGINN 1 - самолёт РЭР США SF34, SAAB 340

18 июля - HUGINN 1 - самолёт РЭР США SF34, SAAB 340

12.32 - 15.45
Huginn 1 - самолет РЭР США, № N441FF, SF34 SAAB 340, squawk 1741, вылет с аб Шауляй, ведение разведки.
Lighthouse - CRC Tallinn, Эстония
Galaxy - CRC Karmelava, Литва

частота 363.100
Lighthouse - Huginn 1 good morning radio checkSAAB 340 N441FF
Lighthouse Galaxy - Huginn 1 radio check
- loud and clear to do you no if Galaxy is aviable now
- if aviable call you check with at if you can work to day
- copied case we will check with Lighthouse for Huginn 1 thank you for watch
- due to case will off genesis {spoofing} ... flight level 200 squawking 1741 and if your unconfirm from {JBO} spoofing will request your servise to monitor all track to Latvia to battle boundary

14.1718 jul Huginn 1
Station calling - Huginn 1 go ahead
- 241 from Latvia flight level 075 confirm
- dont known ... to relay for Galaxy
Lighthouse - Huginn 1
- Huginn 1 it is relay for N27 are you ready to copy
- Ok N27 position 50nm on radial 241 degrees from Latvia steady 075 distance is now 3500 feet non from track
- Huginn 1 are you copied altitude say you for ... N27
- read you 1 by 5
- Lighthouse are you ready to copy relay for N27
- relay for N27 position 50 nm on radial 241 degrees from Latvia flight level 075 and distancing to 3500 feet north boundary
- RTB Siauliai flight level 200