13 октября - полигон Пабраде - учения Stiprus grifonas

13 октября - полигон Пабраде - учения Stiprus grifonas

Nightmare flight 1 and 2 = Hunt 62 and Hunt 64 - UH-60 Black Hawk
Hunt 61 - UH-60 Black Hawk squawk 1313 / second flight 1323
Hunt 62 - UH-60 Black Hawk squawk 1575
Hunt 64 - UH-60 Black Hawk squawk 1576
Nightmare 3 -
Haze 66 = R26445 Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk №92-26445 squawk: 1572
QR {кью ар} 91 = EIS 91 —Piulatus PC-9 Hudournik
Wolfpack — КП на полигоне Пабраде
Pagan 53 —
Trouble 14 -
Sword —
Lucky —
Windmill -

частота 118.200 Vilnius Tower
Hunt 61 - Vilnius hello say again your request
Hunt 61 - start is approve qnh 1016 Runway use 19 information H60
- engine start for Hunt 62 and Hunt 64 is approve
Hunt 61 - roger taxi holding point Runway 19 via IB
Hunt 61 - roger report exit point
Hunt 61 - roger report ready to copy ATC clearance
Hunt 61 - roger copy ATC clearance clear for visual flight after departure right now direct to LEDVI altitude 1500 feet squawk 1313
Hunt 61 - correct the same clearance is for the Hunt 64 and squawk for Hunt 64 is 1576
Hunt 61 - way up Runway 19
Hunt 61 - confirm you will be the parking with Hunt 64 as formation flight as the same time
- affirm Hunt 61 and Hunt 64 ...
Hunt 61 Hunt 64 - wind 140 6 knots Runway 19 clear to take off
Hunt 61 Hunt 64 - contact Vilnius information frequency 123.855
- Hunt 61 Hunt 64 Vilnius information 123.855 //Vilnius FIS//
Hunt 61 Hunt 64 - Vilnius information copied qnh 1013
Hunt 62 - Vilnius Tower hello
Hunt 62 - taxi holding point Runway 19 via IB
Hunt 62 - ready to copy clearance
Hunt 62 - clear visual flight on road after departure direct to LEDVI altitude 1500 feet squawk 1575
Hunt 62 - line up Runway 19 wind 140 6 knots clear to take off
Vilnius Tower - Hunt 62 ...
Hunt 62 - contact Vilnius information frequency 123.855
- understand will contact Vilnius information 123.855
Vilnius information - Hunt 62 ... after ... 1500 ...
Hunt 62 -Vilnius information thet copied qnh 1013
Hunt 64 - Vilnius information
Hunt 64 - you are 2 minutes from ... EYD9 I recommend to contact tactical and ...
Hunt 61 - say again second part broken ...
Hunt 62 - Information
Hunt 62 - for information on you ... o clock 5nm we have 2 aircraft all is H60 force max altitude was 1800 feet 5nm the orbit is now confirm has ... flight
Hunt 62 - roger thet copied ... tactical frequency ... command switch to tactical ...
Hunt 61 - Information go ahead
- ... 2 aircraft you and Hunt 61 correct

EIS 91 - Vilnius Approach confirm you like visual approach
- visual approach for EIS 91
EIS 91 - direct 10 mile final for visual approach Runway 19 number 2 for approach
Hunt 61 - contact Vilnius Tower 118.205
- Hunt 61
EIS 91 - 15 miles to go contact Vilnius Tower 118.205
EIS 91 - Vilnius Tower hello wind 140 6 knots continue approach Runway 19
Tower - Hunt 61 is single ship H60
Hunt 61 - locate BI to parking position
Hunt 61 - start approve Runway use 19 qnh 1014
Hunt 61 - taxi hold point Runway 19 ... via L I and B
Hunt 61 - set squawk 1323 direct LEDVI altitude 1500 feet
Hunt 61 - correct clear to take off Runway 19 via D correction via B
Hunt 61 - contact Vilnius information frequency 123.855
Vilnius information - Hunt 61 single H60 for helicopter ... on route Pabrade training area
Hunt 61 - Vilnius information copied qnh 1013

Haze 66 - Vilnius Tower hello
Haze 66 - Vilnius Tower start is approve for Runway 19 new qnh 1013 and you clear for visual flight leave control zone via LEDVI altitude 1500 feet and squawk 1572
частота 123.855 Vilnius information
Hunt 62 Hunt 64 confirm your proceeding point LEDVI
частота 118.200 Vilnius Tower
Haze 66 - taxi would pouint Runway 19 via M I and Badge
Haze 66 - flight not in clear for take off Runway 19 wind 150 9 knots
Haze 66 - clear for take off Runway 19 wind 150 9 knots
Haze 66 - after LEDVI you will ... above traffic 1500 feet ..
- Haze 66 ... up to 2000 ...
Haze 66 - contact Vilnius information on frequency 123.855
- Haze 66 contact Vilnius information 123.855 //Vilnius FIS// частота 123.855 Vilnius information
Vilnius information - Haze 66
- Haze 66 ... heading north to Pabrade
Haze 66 - copied qnh 1009
Hunt 62 - information
- Hunt 62
Hunt 62 - on request from Vilnius Tower please maintain 1500 du to traffic headed from LEDVI...D9
- Hunt 62 understand 1500 say again for heading
Hunt 62 - no heading just id altitude ... operation for Tower
- Hunt 62
Haze 66 - ... for zone EYP22 P30 P26 from Vilnius CTR
- Haze 66 turning left to voyage this areas
- confirm you proceeding to LEDVI
- Hunt 62 and 64 proceed to LEDVI
Hunt 62 - contact Tower 118.205
частота 118.205
Vilnius Tower - Hunt 62 and 64 currently 5 km to north west to off LEDVI
Hunt 67 65 - you clear to control ... proceed to direct Runway 19 report Runway inside
- proceed direct Runway 19
Hunt 62 - confirm Runway in ...
- Hunt 62 Runway in...
Hunt 62 - wind 160 11 knots clear to land Runway 19
- Hunt 62 and 64 Runway good land
Vilnius Tower - Hunt 62 and 64 after land request N or M4 BI
Hunt 62 and 64 - after landing ... Runway try via BI and ... N or M4 ...

частоты 142.250, 245.525 Полигон Пабраде (Pabrade) Литва
- QR 91 DIP 1 line 492 feet line 6 35uma 22572 98920 DIP 2 line 4 482 feet line 6 35uma 22958 98923
- grid of the second ... of 53C
- read back line 4 458 feet line 6 35uma 21856 98124
- QR off dry single GBU 12 ... time ... 15 seconds
- ... best ... area regarding the fox in the area of the 53A attack
- copied type 3 control bomb on terget gun line 4 491 feet line 6 35uma 223 989 line 8 north east 2km first priority ....
- continue dry command delegation
Pagan 53 - QR 91 ... complete
- affirm between minutes 57 and minutes 01 ... 300 round of 30mm ...

- ... play time is 28m and Wolfpack ... to switch frequency for attack
- ... Wolfpack just request as ... switch now to Wolfpack and contact to you may be latter
- copied switching Wolfpack
Pagan - Nightmare flight 5 by 5 over Badge 1
- understand game plane CA4 Nightmare flight
Pagan - Nightmare flight flight is 2 H60 force we are angels 1.5 one key orbit surround HH sprite we have 600 round 20mm, 28 high explosive rocket and 16 Hellfires we have play time until 1300 local we are SPOT SPARKLE {fear} AAG LF ARLF .... code 1141 requesting abord in the clear and will ready for game plane
Pagan 53 - QR 91 back on you frequency ... next 15 minutes
Wolfpack - Nightmare comm check
- I have you LC well
- say again from push ...
- roger Nightmare flight will push {crypton} 1
- QR 91 ready 14B
- type 3 control bomb on target gun line 4 484 feet line 6 35uma 227 989 line 8 east 1.7 flight attack heading all heading approve maximum 2 ...
Wolfpack - QR loud and clear / stand by for attack calling back
Trouble 14 Pagan 53 - QR additional complete
- my BDA between minute 19 minute 22 ... 250 round of gun ...
Wolfpack - QR 91 on Badge 1
- ... attacks ... 2 hour 30 minutes Red area 90 minutes Blue area
- ... RTB to Vilnius .... maintain 3 to 4 thousand feet until ... D9 airspace
Wolfpack - Nightmare flight
- ... 1 aircraft at DP {Odin} and 1 aircraft at DP {Thor}
- ... grid 35umb 2484 0409
Wolfpack - Nightmare will engage one {unimax} single ... 3
- will engage with 40 round 30mm
Wolfpack - Nightmare aircraft operating DP {Thor} ... standby for grid
- grid 35umb 2112 06--
Wolfpack - Nightmare requesting to flight down to the surface with DP {Odin}
Wolfpack - Nightmare we have Nightmare 1 operating ... position {Odin} gun to the surface and you nave Nightmare 2 .... DP {Gin} and grid to follows grid is mb 2112 0663
- .... mb 2357 0236 we have 2 visual Wolfpack troops
- ... to be grid mb 2357 0236

Wolfpack - Nightmare .... enemy armor maneuvering south to north ... grid mb 2217 0172
Lucky - Nightmare request
- 2 aircraft ... starting to ...
Lucky - Nightmare ... aircraft come in on station witn in 10m ... on station for 2+00
Sword - Nightmare flight did you read
- roger apply the clear you has 2 aircraft Nightmare 1 and Nightmare 2 establish ... DP {Odin}
Lucky - QR 91 is currently holding Redskin 02 in 200 feet ...
- from Wolfpack my block is 200 up to 400 ...
- E point from ... is 35umb 2524 0406 485 feet
- QR 91 check in ordnance 2 by GBU48 version 1 2 by GBU54 version 5 laser code 1511 1000 round 14mm time on station 2 hour ... on board code TR
- code 41B
- copied ... control bomb on target all weapons line 4 489 feet line 5 single ... line 6 ... screen line 8 south to ... final attack heading 320-070

Lucky - QR 91 ... 35umb 25578 02099
- 41C tattoo control bomb on target witn gun line 475 feet line 6 ... line 8 south 800 meters