30 августа - полигон Казлу Руда

30 августа - полигон Казлу Руда

Pagan - полигон
Windmill -
Northman 28 -
Roma 01, 02 - Italy Eurofighter F2000, аб Шауляй, Литва.

частота 142.250EYTSA7BEYTSA7A
Pagan - Roma 01 checkin in
- Roma 01 loud and clear
- Roma 01 overhead 180 level
- Roma 01 proceeding IP 10 miles is ready for detect
- Roma 01 TSA  7A,B,C and R34 confirm also  R28
- confirm also  R28 aviable
- Roma 01 is ready ... confirm call sign
- Roma 01 Windmill

15.46EYR34 EYR28
Pagan - Roma 02 flight level 220 ...
- Roma 02 copied EY TSA 7A, B, C  ... EYR34 ...
- Roma 02 copied Badge 01 say again please call sighn
- copied Northman 28

частота 245.525 = Badge 019 line briefing Form13 14
Windmill - Roma 01 check in mission number 0072 single F2000 f/l 180 for by GBU48 27mm gun one 60 round aviable laser code 1511 time on station will be 60 aboard code will be in the clear altitude capable Rover capable
- Roma say again your last
- 4635 affirm
- Roma 01 negative say again game plan
- Roma 01 stand by for 9-line
- Roma 01 elevation 307 position 34uff 5760 7407 friendliest north est 1.2 km ... heading 160-180 ... Rover still allow
10.5630 1 aug
- Roma 01 is looking at 5 containers
- Hotel state
- ...to are multiple containers ... in the area on this target
- ... Hotel size Tango size ...
Windmill - Roma 01 back to your target ...
- Roma 01 in dry 190
- Roma 01 one away
- Roma 01 ... splash
Windmill - Roma 01 ready for receive second target
Windmill - Roma 01 ... my sensor contact on second target Roma 01 capture
Windmill - Roma 01 in dry 180
- continue dry
- Roma 01 one away
- Roma 01 time out
Windmill - Roma
- another ATC problems ... in the area f/l 110
- Roma will maintained aboard 180
- Roma 01 single GBU48 one more target elevation 303 feet position 34uff 5835 7395 no mark friendliest 850 meters north Pagan fight attack heading 130-180 ... confirm target restriction
Windmill - Roma ... single bird strike with container approximately oriented north to south
- south west to north east and multiple container position to east of bird strike
= продолжает уточнять контейнеры для нанесения удара =
- ... for this attack request heading 260
- copied will be join fire
- Roma 01 in dry 260
- continue dry
- one away
- Roma 01 time out
- Roma 01 RTB
- Roma 01 copied 34uff 5861 7476

Northman 28 - Roma 02 = установление связи =30 aug15.50
- Roma 02 check in follow mission number 03au0073 aircraft is one F2000 position contact point north ordnance ... GBU48 plus 150 ... high explosive gun round play time on the area will be 60 minutes aboard close code in the clear and remark Roma 02 is capable on LDP ASM and Rover on code 4635 How copy
- Roma 02 copied line 4 262 feet line 6 34uff 51270 72540 planing 7.6 km east ...
Northman 28 - Roma 02 is ready for system read back
- Roma 02 from my system elevation 262 feet position 34uff 51270 72540 will be single GBU48 ... target available ... confirm unit target correlation
- Roma report in dry container target 1302
- Roma in dry heading 210
- continue dry
- bomb gun time on flight 6030 2 aug
- Roma ... time out ...
- Roma ready
16.05- Roma copied target 43 ... line 4 308 feet line 6 34uff 5781 7381 friendliest north east 1250 meters ready remark and restriction
- Roma copied will be south east to north west or receivable two by GBU48 ...
- stand by system remark and ready for target correlation
- Roma 02 in dry heading 310
- Roma continue dry
- Roma bomb gun attack on flight 55
- Roma time out ... target good splash
- side 2 bomb on target high angel strike over 3 target
- line 4 093 line 6 34uff 5804 7375 line 8 north east 1105 meters will be south east to north west ...
- Roma ready line 4 307 feet line 6 34uff 5874 7420 line 8 north 570 meters remark east to west ...