29 августа - полигон Казлу Руда

29 августа - полигон Казлу Руда

Pagan - полигон
Pagan 44 -
Warhawk -
Godfather -
Viper -
Flash -
Shark -
FZ 01, 02 - Germany Eurofighter Typhoons, аб Лиелварде, Латвия
Roma 01, 02 - Italy Eurofighter F2000, аб Шауляй, Литва.
IP - initial point - Emma, Nora

частота 142.250EYTSA7BEYTSA7A
Pagan - Roma 01 TSA 7A,B,C
- Roma 01 proceeding IP {Emma} f/l 180 and ready for ...
- Roma 01 copied will be coordinate RTB on ... frequency and ready to push Badge 1 any time for first ...
Pagan - Roma 01 say again call sign
- copied contact Warhawk on Badge 1

12.25EYR34 EYR28
Pagan - FZ 01 read you by to 5 minutes north CP north
- FZ 01 {Emma} 160 220 FZ flight stand by check in with Lighthouse
Pagan - FZ flight copied only player on station airspace EYR28 and 34 and TSA 7A B C
Pagan - FZ 01 flight contact in Flash on Badge FZ push Badge 1 radio one coordinate

Pagan - Roma 02 over IP {Emma} f/l 150
Pagan control - Roma 02
Pagan 44 - Roma 02 loud and clear Badge 01

16.589 line briefing Form13 14
- FZ 01 check
Godfather - FZ 01 two ship as fragged 3 miles east of IP {Emma} angel 220
- 120 up to 220 ready ..
- FZ 01 ... TSA 7A B C and Y28 and Y34 surface up 220 presently FZ check 160 220
- ... we are ready on contact  with CRC ... me will like to no  10 minute trying you do not need coordinate thet force
- FZ radio one push Badge 1 for Pagan 44

частота 245.525 = Badge 01
10.34 - 10.3729 1 aug
Warhawk - Roma 01 mission number 03au9072 with 1 aircraft F2000 over IP {Emma} f/l 180 ordnance for G48 one 50 high explosive gun play time 45m aboard code will be in the clear
- pace plus one 50 high explosive gun round- Roma 01 copied M2N1
- ready to copy first game plan 24 Alfa
- line 4 213 feet line 6 34uff 577 738 line 8 north east 1200 meters ready for remark and restriction
- Roma 01 will report when ready
- south west road
- 100 meters south west ... Yankee interception ...
- Roma 01 capture target
- in dry 240
- continue in the dry29 aug
- one away time flight 30
- time out completed
- Roma 01 is f/l 180
- Roma 01 ready for next game plan
- Roma 01 ... 24 Bravo one more target for ... only strike one
- line 4 300 feet line 6 34uff 5833 7385 line 8 north 850 meters ready for remark
10.55Pagan - Roma 01 from your game plan I understood bomb on target GBU48 29 2 aug
- unable to proceed with gun about 4000 feet
- one away time on flight 34
- 34uff 576 745
- Roma 01 is 15 minutes play time
- Roma 01 game plan 24 Charlie side 2 bomb on coordinate ... building line 4 340 feet line 6 34uff 50969 68453 line 8 north east 700 meters ready to copy remark and restruction
- Roma 01 one away time on flight 4811.21
- time out 40 second to go
- is ready for RTB f/l 190
- Roma 01 is pushing Lighthouse frequency

Flash - FZ 01 flight 29 3 augFlash - FZ 01 read you 2
- FZ 01 is flight 3 miles is IP [Emma] angels 20 block angel 4 up angel 22
Flash - FZ 01 next call unreadable I copy TSA 19 in airspace we have situation up-date code 53 Alfa on board
Flash - FZ last position of TSA 19 unreadable I have up-date code 53 Alfa on board
- FZ copied 19 at 34uff 5127 7254 elevation 260
- FZ 01 presently ... IP [Emma] ...
- FZ 01 in 220
Shark - FZ 01 in 220
- FZ 01 continue dry
- FZ 01 short splash
- FZ 01 time out

Pagan 44 - Roma 02 mission number 03au9073 single Eurofighter over IP {Emma} f/l 150 ... two GBU16 ... plus for under ground gun play time 60 minutes aboard code will be in the clear I am laser capable with laser in pod and Rover capable on frequency 4635
Pagan - report ready to copy 44 Alfa bomb on target distance from {Emma} on heading 247 8.4 nm line 4 210 ... line 6 34uff 5770 7380 no mark friendliest north east 1300 meters attack will be heading 250-280
- I will drop two bomb ... I not able to drop at same time two bomb on to the transport
- ... will be two strike attack for to the transport
Viper - Roma 02 proceeding for the first attack29 4 aug
- level 180
- in dry heading 265
- Roma continue dry
- time out first attack resetting for second attack
- Roma 02 in dry heading 260
- Roma 02 continue dry
- Roma 02 tine out
- TBA successful

- Roma 02 44 Bravo one ... GBU16 {Emma} 246 2.1 line 4 210 .... line 6 34uff 5880 7380 friendliest ... most 1000 feet attack heading will be 250-280
- play time will be 20 minutes
- Roma 02 is charlie target a capture
- Roma is in dry heading 250
- continue dry
- bombs gun 30 seconds
- time out ... splash TBA successful
- play time is 10 minutes
- 44 Charlie ready is
Pagan 44 - Roma 02 will be tied to control bomb on target GBU16 bomb for coordinate from [Emma] 250 8.6 elevation 260 feet 34uff 57225 73936 heading 3936 no mark friendliest 1600 meters ... attack heading will be 245-275
- Roma is in dry heading 250
- continue dry
- bombs gun 30 second
- laser on
- time out will splash
- TBA successful
- ready for RTB
Pagan - Roma ready for contact Lighthouse RTB track

Pagan 44 - FZ 01 flight
Pagan 44 - FZ 01 mission number 29TAA0021 two by Typhoon ... 3 miles east IP {Emma} ... is 150 round on 27mm for by GBU48 .... FZ flight is negative target in code play time 50 minutes board in the clear 29 5 aug
- ... Pagan 44 by my control
- FZ 01 is ready 44 Delta
- ... GBU48 tattoo bomb zona target stand by
Pagan - FZ 01 read back from my system line 4 237 line 6 34uff 5881 7509 line 8 friendliest north east 607 meters ... IP {Nora} ... 150 attack heading 265-295
- FZ 02 in 270
- FZ 02 one away ...
- FZ 02 splash
Pagan 44 - FZ 01 line 4 249 line 6 60434 75191 north east 100 ... heading 215-245