28 августа - полигон Казлу Руда

28 августа - полигон Казлу Руда

Pagan - полигон
Godfather -
Dagger 14 -
Pagan 53 -
Linx 19 -
FZ 01, 02 - Germany Eurofighter Typhoons, аб Лиелварде, Латвия
Roma 01, 02 - Italy Eurofighter F2000, аб Шауляй, Литва.
IP - initial point - Emma, Sara

частота 142.250EYTSA7BEYTSA7A
Pagan control - Roma 01 ... TSA 7A,B,C .... Dagger 14
11.22 -
 Range - Roma 01 leaving area in 5 minutes
- Roma 01 affirm easy contact with Lighthouse maintained area in 5 minutes ...

Godfather - FZ 01 EYR34EYR28Godfather - FZ 01 loud and clear
- maintained 040 currently flight level 180 inbound IP [Emma]11.33
Godfather - FZ 01 overhead IP [Emma]
- FZ 01 good copied R28 and 34 , TSA 7A, B, C
- FZ 01 copied switching Badge 1 c/s Lynx
Lighthouse - FZ 01 ... heading inbound Lielvarde

Pagan - Roma 02 ... EYR28 and 34 EY TSA 7A,B,C
Pagan - Roma 02 34uff 576 751
Pagan - Roma 02 roger switching for Pagan on Badge 01

16.009 line briefing Form13 14
- FZ 01 check radio 2
Pagan - FZ 01 you loud and clear f/l 200 inbound CP north one minute out
- confirm escort Roma 02
- good check with Roma 02
- FZ 01 first ... is unreadable understand f/l 170 up to 220
- copied thet FZ 01 will maintaine south of CP north 170 up to 220 
- FZ 01 is ready ... up-date
- FZ 01 R28, 34 ground up to 065 7A B 065 up to 180 C 180 up to 220
- FZ 01 is ready for restruction
- FZ 01 ... my last up-date of position for motor force will be Delta 12
- FZ 01 my last information about for motor force in flight in Delta12
- copied thet
- motor force  next ordnance ...
- FZ 01 affirm
- FZ 01 have contact on emmisary orange
- copied thet west of emmisary orange
- 120 up to 220 and east of emmisary orange 040 up to 220
- FZ 01 is in contact coordination with Lighthouse on ... frequency

частота 143.825 = Badge 228 aug
Pagan - Roma 01 check in on Badge 2
Pagan - Roma 01 line 4 3606 line 6 34uff 577 738 line 8 1200 meters ...
Pagan - Roma 01 Dagger 14
- Roma 01 stand by time for target
- copied ready for GPS time checking
- good time check
- 1 minutes
- copied 0758
- Roma 01 will call
- Roma 01 in dry heading 250
- continue dry
- one away Roma 01
- 30 second
- time out ....
- Roma 01 read back line 4 307 line 6 34uff 583 738 line 8 north 800 meters
и т.д.

частота 245.525 = Badge 1
Dagger 14 - Roma 01 checking in
Dagger 14 - Roma 01 is IP {Emma} flight level 185 ready for routing
- copied pushing IP {Sara} 140 220
- Roma 01 approximately 40m
Dagger 14 - Roma 01 checking brief follow mission 03au8072 single Eurofighter pushing IP {Sara} f/l 185 ordnance for GBU48 and 150 round gun time on station 40m aboard code in the clear LDP Rover capable on 4635 unlock
Dagger 14 - Roma 01 ready to copy investigation up-date
Dagger 14 - Roma 01 radio check
Dagger 14 - Roma 01 try Badge 2

- FZ 01 is ready to copy game plan on 9 line
- FZ 01 game plan type to control one by GBU16 shooter cover
- FZ 01 from my system elevation 250 feet 34uff 51276 72544 friend list north east 8 km ready to copy remark restriction
- FZ 01 target TRE 1 plan attack heading 270 {club} 9025 28 1 aug- FZ 01 is in dry heading 270
- continue dry
- one away 65 seconds
- FZ 01 time out one by easy GBU16
- FZ 01 is ready
Lynx - FZ 01 play time up-date 15m
Lynx - FZ 01 radio check
Linx 19 - FZ 01 ... 15 minutes play time remaining
- FZ 01 ready to copy game plan
- FZ 01 roger copied fight to control bomb on target or bomb for coordinate
- bomb for coordinate one by GBU16
11.5428 2 aug
- FZ 01 is ready to copy 9 line
- FZ 01 from my system elevation 325 feet 34uff 58830 75123 friend list north 650 meters
- FZ 01 from my system elevation read 305 plan attack heading 280 +- 10
- FZ 01 in dry heading 280 16 second on the release
- continue dry FZ 01
- FZ 01 one away 60 second
- FZ 01 time out one GBU16
- play time is about 5m ...
- FZ 01 is ready to copy grid
- friend list friend list friend list at 34uff 619 767
- ... service request other flight from south east to be north west

Pagan - Roma 02 copied IP {Emma}
- Roma checking brief is follow mission number 03au8073 Roma is single F2000 over IP {Emma} 200 flight level ... for GBU48 150 ... gun round 60 minutes play time aboard code in the clear Roma is capable LDP .... 53 Alfa
- Roma copied side 3 bomb on target two by GBU4828 3 aug
- ... 210 feet 34uff 577 738 friend list 1250 meters north east ...
- Roma copied heading will be 255-285 ... stand by for system read back
- Roma 02 in dry
Pagan - Roma 02
Pagan - Roma 01 first bomb is gone time on flight 45
Pagan - Roma 01 02 boms gone time on flight 30
- Roma 01 first target splash
Pagan - Roma 02 first first target destroyed
Pagan - Roma 02 bomb gone time on flight 50
- Roma 02 is time out good splash second target is destroyed ... completed
- Roma copied 53 Alfa completed ready for next ...
- copied side 3 Bravo one more time
- Roma copied line 4 210 feet line 8 north east 100 meters
- Roma line 6 34uff 7373
- Roma copied two GBU48

Pagan - FZ 01 with you flight level 200
Pagan 53 - FZ 01 =обмен паролями=
- FZ 01 present position CP north f/l 200
- FZ 01 check in call sign is FZ01 FZ02 mission number is 28taa19ch1 two by Typhoon position and altitude overhead CP north flight level 200 I have one 50 round 27mm ammo ... high explosive and two by in hunt GBU16 {scope out selected by use} time on station 30m aboard code in the clear, truce and level code contact selectable
- FZ 01 Timber sweet with Roma 02
- FZ 01 53 Delta type to control bomb one by GBU16 28 4 aug
- FZ 01 plan attack heading 170 - 210
- FZ 01 from my system 150 feet elevation 34uff 5107 6594 no friend list
- FZ 01 will be traffic the bomb shooter cover
- FZ 01 is in heading 180 in dry heading 180
- FZ 01 continue dry
- FZ 01 one away 60 second
Pagan - FZ 01 time out one by GBU16
- FZ 01 is 15 minutes players RTB/ RTB coordinated with Lighthouse
- FZ 01 is ready
- FZ 01 53 Ecko type two BLC one by GBU16
- FZ 01 ready to copy remark instruction
- FZ 01 plan attack heading 145 - 175
- FZ 01 ready to copy mission pack elevation 160 feet 34uff 5096 6845 no friendlist
- FZ 01 plan attack heading 145 - 175
- FZ 01 shooter cover
- FZ 01 in dry 150
- FZ 01 continue dry one away 60 second
- FZ 01 time out one by GBU16
- FZ 01 IP {Emma}
- FZ 01 is establish IP {Emma} play time remaining is approximately 5m
- IP {Emma} air south east to north west
Pagan - FZ 01 1 minutes out