26 августа - полигон Казлу Руда

26 августа - полигон Казлу Руда

Pagan - полигон
Pagan 52 -
Trouble 08 -
Roma 01 - Italy Eurofighter F2000, аб Шауляй, Литва.
IP - initial point - Sara

частота 142.2509 line briefingForm13 14
Pagan - Roma 01 - 4 by 5 I try to contact over 341 negative contact 
- proceeding IP {Sara} Roma 01
- copied 4000 f/l 220 and range ... clearance .. by your TC was surface 220
- copied 4000 220
- copied traffic below 1000 feet no ...
- Roma 01 confirm this frequency will be to same for Pagan
Pagan - Roma 01 check in
Range - Roma 01
Pagan control = Control - Roma 01

частота 245.525
Pagan - Roma 01 second brief as follow mission 03au6072 one single ... overhead f/l 180 carrying for GBU48 laser code 1512 and one 50 round 20mm gun time on station 45m aboard code in the clear Rover frequency will be 4635 26 aug
= ... friendly radio open Pagan 52 clearance ...
- confirm call sign Trouble 08
Trouble 08 - Roma 01 checking in
Trouble 08 - Roma 01 ready to copy game plane 9 line- request Rover up
- unreadable
- Trouble 08 start again use 9 line
- your are will be tattoo control bomb on target to one GBU48
- say again line 6
- line 4 242 feet line 6 34uff 572 740 line 8 north eastern 980 meter and attack heading will be east west
- 34uff 57864 74102
- report ready for read back Roma in system line 4 242 line 6 34uff 57864 74102 line 8 north east 980 meters and remark restriction ...
Pagan - Roma 01 in dry heading 270
- continue dry
- one away
- time out