10 мая - MAGIC 51 - E-3A НАТО,  GALAXY -  CRC Karmelava

10 мая - MAGIC 51 - E-3A НАТО, GALAXY - CRC Karmelava

11.12 - 16.47
Magic 51 - самолет ДРЛО "E-3A" НАТО, LX-N90443 №22838/947
Galaxy - CRC Karmelava (Литва)

10 may Magic 51

частота 398.975 мГц
12.08 - 12.30
Galaxy - Magic 51 radio check
Galaxy - Magic 51 same authenticate USA
Galaxy - Magic 51 GRB stand by
Galaxy - Magic 51 good morning from line {laid} 82B1 c/s Maker 3, 4 and 5 and EY TSA 299A
Galaxy - Magic 51 Roger copied EY TSA299A 100-290 Bullseye COWBOY for 2B1 {DIP} go in Bullseye coordinate 555326 north 0232409 east
Galaxy - Magic 51 copied 0930z all time we are currently building air space
- copied 246375
Galaxy - Magic 51 not have coordinate for EY TSA299A are you able to pass
- 561704 north 0231446 east
- 1348 north 0242009 east
- point 553214 north 0230609 east
- 51 copied point 553117 north 0234725 east
Galaxy - Magic 51  RCO {Valiant} request are link coord request to contact them on 377.750

частота 377.750 мГц
12.13 - 12.57
Galaxy - Magic 51 radio check
Galaxy - Magic 51 have you loud and clear how me
Galaxy - Magic 51 please authenticate SKC
Galaxy - Magic 51 confirm we have MEA
Galaxy - Magic 51 have you loud and clear How me = affirm Timber sweet
- to transmission and proceed to Poland thank you for you work cooperation

BULLSEYE- A common reference point Position of an object will be established by bearing (magnetic) and range (NM) from this point.
TIMBER SWEET - confirms receipt of datalink information.
RCO - Range Control Officer
Temporary Segregated Area (TSA) - An airspace of defined dimension within which activities require the reservation of airspace for the exclusive use of specific users during a determined period of time.