8 июня - IAM1495 = LEGION 70 = PERSEO 71 - самолёт ДРЛО "Gulfstream G550" CAEW ВВС Италии

8 июня - IAM1495 = LEGION 70 = PERSEO 71 - самолёт ДРЛО "Gulfstream G550" CAEW ВВС Италии

Legion 70 = Perseo 71 =IAM1495 - самолет ДРЛО Италии, Gulfstream Aerospace GV-SP (G550) CAEW № MM62303, serial 5454, вылет с аб Мальборк, ведение разведки
Power City-
Lighthouse - CRC Tallinn
Amberland - CRC Lielvarde
Limelight - CAOC D Uedem
GA01, 02 - Germany Eurofighter Typhoons Lielvārde, Latvia

частота 342.57508 jun Perseo71
Power City - Legion 70 is ... at precent time please ... me NSPM
= установление связи в Link 16 =
Power City - Legion confirm Bullseye which was to use is ATLANTIS
Power City - Legion 70 Link for your information now I hold your station Timber sweet
Power City - Legion 70 copied track squawking 6462 is TU134
Power City - Legion for your information legion is few minutes will move to the north coordinate to the task
Power City - Legion 70 Link is back please confirm Timber sweet with my station
Power City - Legion 70 I see your station but at that moment not able to see any TEL station
= установление связи в Link 16 =
Power City - Legion can you please report that JU number that your radar in side my FTM
Power City - Legion 70 copied JU number in side my FTM is 00555 thanks

частота 363.100
Lighthouse - Legion 70 on NATO common
= обмен паролями =
Lighthouse - Legion is leaving Polish airspace to go in Lithuania air space do you maintain at this frequency or you have another frequency for ask
Lighthouse - Legion 369.7 will call

частота 369.700GV SP (G550) CAEW
Amberland - Legion 70
= обмен паролями =
Amberland - Legion 70 is crossing border and will establish that sketched orbit area and Legion 70 still on station
- Legion is 369.7 How copied
- only simul casting not multi casting
- just for information will keep Timber on the Polish net work so you will be Timber sour with you
- or you will be discrete frequency for Surveillance
- thet affirmative we have TSA 14 and R20 we have that ... well
- looking for COWBOY stand by
- Amberland COWBOY 209 40
Amberland - Legion will keep this Bullseye for Surveillance as well
Amberland - Legion is move back to Poland I try to call Limelight we are move back the previous orbit thanks ... for cooperation today

частота 270.150
GA01, 02 - Legion 70 radio radar contact COWBOY 338 61 report will ready to be authenticated
= обмен паролями =
- are clearance TSA 14 cleared f/l 100 up to f/l 260 R20 ground up to f/l 095
- Legion provider close controller check weapon safe
= наведение самолетов на воздушные цели =
GA01 - Legion report level 160 for RTB
- you can contact Riga Approach on 129.925 Legion ... thank you for cooperation by