Legion 70 = Perseo 71 =IAM1495 - самолет ДРЛО Италии, Gulfstream Aerospace GV-SP (G550) CAEW № MM62303, serial 5454, вылет с аб Мальборк, ведение разведки
Power City -
Pink Dragon -
Nemesis -
частота 251.525 = Grey 45
Power City - Legion is RETAIL
Power City - Legion do you have any word about Magic 52
Power City - Legion thet affirmative we are looking for Magic 52 plane ...
Power City - Legion is shoing track from bullseye JAGUAR 293 89 120 feet heading east do you have any info
- {ирлун} How copy
- thet affirmative now we estimated as fragged plus 30m
Pink Dragon - Legion 70
частота 342.575
Nemesis - Legion 70 = обмен паролями =
Nemesis - Legion 70 request MEA.1
Nemesis - Legion copied MEA for Legion is approved and you are TEL station are able to send me NSPM
NSPM - Network Security & Policy Manager (software)
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 = обмен паролями =
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 Timber sweet with your station please confirm sane
- Roger copied I try to send NSPM just few minutes ago please check your Box
Pink Dragon - Legion copied still Box empty
Nemesis - Legion 70 my Box is empty are able to send me NSPM by Power City
Nemesis - Legion can you ask Power City to send me in NSPM please
Nemesis - Legion copied I try to send you again another scan
Nemesis - Legion message in the air
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 interrogative did you see my {PPLW} italy ... my take off or ... last minutes
Pink Dragon - Legion will try to reboot our system
Pink Dragon - Legion copied Timber sweet
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 Link operator should be Timber sweet in correct position please confirm
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 confirm Timber sour with my station
Pink Dragon - Legion will try to rejoin network as as possible
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 Link operator for information Legion is not able to day to send ....
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 are you able to contact me by J-voice
Pink Dragon - Legion is issue NSPM to day not able to receive all sender
Pink Dragon - Legion copied all Legion copied thet track P2370 is nuco MK KQ JU YK RW unnuco
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 Surveillance section Legion request work on track P1435
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 Surveillance try to call you on Red 32
частота 275.825 = Red 32
16.23 - 18.22
Pink Dragon - Legion Surveillance copied all
Pink Dragon - Legion Surveillance section track JAGUAR 050 50 miles estimated azimuth 700 feet tracking west empty for Legion