Legion 70 = Perseo 71 =IAM1495 - самолет ДРЛО Италии, Gulfstream Aerospace GV-SP (G550) CAEW № MM62303, serial 5454, вылет с аб Мальборк, ведение разведки
Galaxy -
Power City -
GA01, 02 -
King 11 -
частота 363.100 NATO common
Galaxy - Legion on NATO common radio check
Galaxy - Legion also read you loud and clear confirm this weekend switch on weapon manager freuency with you
Galaxy - Legion weapon manager frequency but no answer from you
- 278.475
Galaxy - Legion on NATO common radio check
Any station - Legion on NATO common radio check
Power City - Legion on NATO common radio check
Potter Cock - Legion on NATO common radio check
частота 278.475
Galaxy - Legion on weapon manager
= обмен паролями =
Galaxy - Legion be advice we are inbound air lag ... estimated to be BACKBOARD as fragged
Galaxy - complete call sign is Legion 70 our front deck will be IAM1495 then Perseo 71
Galaxy - Legion Link radio check
Galaxy - Legion check Box
Galaxy - be advice Legion is not J chat
Galaxy - Legion be advise FTM now
Galaxy - Legion Timber sweet with your station confirm your Timber status
Galaxy - Legion negative will be EPMB //аб Мальборк//
Galaxy - Legion we all unable and we will maintain on station as fragged and go back to EPMB
Galaxy - Legion is BACKBOARD as fragged
Galaxy - Legion be advice we went BACKBOARD as fragged and we are one control in position on board we are expexted to control GA01 and 02 in ... 10 45 12
= ТФ ЗАС =
Galaxy - Legion in the Red
Galaxy - Legion in the clear
Galaxy - Legion we will like to go to our alternate lag in Poland can you ask clearance to move in Poland
Galaxy - Legion will maintain NORNO LUGUG
Galaxy - Legion copied all and thank you for today cooperation
BACKBOARD - on station
частота 251.525
Power City - Legion on weapon manager radio check
Power City - Legion I got your 2 by 5 How me
Power City - Legion FA I got you very low
Power City - Legion I still you very low we are ready to be authenticated
- Red 32 switching //переход на частоту 275.825//
частота 275.825 = Red 32
Power City - Legion radio check on Red 32
Power City - Legion got you broken How do you read me
- now I hear you 4 by 5 and Legion ius ready to be authenticated
Power City - Legion surveillance you are broken say again your last
= обмен паролями =
Power City - Legion be advise Legion is Timber sour and we have some issue with comms we will maintain leg NORNO LUGUG
Power City - Legion be advise Legion will be FREE MEN as fragged plus 15M
Power City - Legion is airborne at time 0709
Power City surveillance - Legion radio check
Power City - Legion is FREE MAN at 1520
FREE MAN - off station
частота 370.775
- King play time 90 minutes
- King 11 will call limited work flow flight level 130 ...
- qnh 292 1093
Galaxy for your information King ... Timber sweet
- will calling JACKAL
Galaxy confirm able green
Galaxy - King go ops green
= ТФ ЗАС =
JACKAL - Surveillance network participating group (NPG) of link-16/TADIL J.