31 мая - IAM1495 = LEGION 70 = PERSEO 71 - самолёт ДРЛО "Gulfstream G550" CAEW ВВС Италии

31 мая - IAM1495 = LEGION 70 = PERSEO 71 - самолёт ДРЛО "Gulfstream G550" CAEW ВВС Италии

Legion 70 = Perseo 71 =IAM1495 - самолет ДРЛО Италии, Gulfstream Aerospace GV-SP (G550) CAEW № MM62303, serial 5454, вылет с аб Мальборк, ведение разведки
Power City -
Pink Dragon -
Accent - ?

частота 251.52531 may Perseo71
Power City - Legion 70 airborne time 0721
Power City - Legion can you say again from TSA 2C ...
- copied all Power City confirm you will be our weapons manager for this activity
- copied recommend for RTB with switch JK ... ACCENT on control frequency
Power City - Legion 70 confirm Link air manager is Pink Dragon
- copied calling Pink Dragon
- Legion we like to orbit south of TSA2 between point  DISBI and LOLSI .
Power City - Legion is GOLD STAIN time 0750
- ACCENT on Purple 20 can you relay ACCENT we are calling them
- is experiens problem on board we have  probable 6 person we will continue to control actual mission after thet I will call off station will fly low level to ... fuel then we go RTB
- copied I call you back when we go off station start to the send to bar fuel
- Power City thet affirmative ATC is well our flight deck is coordinating so far we have a person that do not still very well so will person to go home
- Legion negative so far we are talking with our {Daywork?- дивок? - это итальянский КП на аб Мальборк работает на частоте 281.550} and will ready alerted our doctor ... for ... will be the doctor ... forecast

частота 342.575GV SP (G550) CAEW
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 I challenge your TAN
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 you are unreadable on way Legion 70 GOLD STAIN time 0751
Pink Dragon - Legion 70 you are cogently Timber sour ...

GOLD STAIN - on task