Legion 70 = Perseo 71 =IAM1495 - самолет ДРЛО Италии, Gulfstream Aerospace GV-SP (G550) CAEW № MM62303, serial 5454, вылет с аб Мальборк, ведение разведки.
Amberland - CRC Lielvarde
Lighthouse - CRC Tallinn
Galaxy - CRC Karmelava
Limelight - CAOC D Uedem
GA01 - Germany Eurofighter Typhoon с аб Лиелварде
GA02 - Germany Eurofighter Typhoon №31-00 с аб Лиелварде
частота 243.225
Amberland - Legion take off time 0705 we are inbound the sketch would in orbit area please report take off time to Limelight as well
- copied all confirm this frequency will be for are Link coordination as well
- copied all so far Timber bad we are troubleshooting Timber
Amberland - Legion 70 Link report Timber sweet
Amberland - Legion Box MT confirm you receiving my track Q0000
Amberland - Legion 70 report on station as fragged
Amberland - Legion 70 is active on Timber
Amberland - Legion copy Timber sour with your station Timber sweet with Lighthouse
Amberland - Legion is TEL is can coordinate ...
Amberland - Legion 70 is still active on Timber but Timber sour confirm your Timber sweet
- copied try to troubleshooting again
- to confirm bide away we can time at 928
- affirm
- 10 seconds 5 4 3 2 1 mark 0928
Amberland - Legion 70 are you green capable on your ...
- do you want try this frequency to go green
- copied we will monitoring green as well
= ТФ ЗАС =
Amberland - Legion on red
- copied TSA17 f/l 100 up to 270
Amberland - Legion do you have COWBOY up way now your station
- Roger I have track Cowboy 046 228 tracking south
Amberland - Legion copied 200 feet 190 TSA10
Galaxy - Legion 70
Amberland - Legion will maintain all station as fragged the meantime remove to Polish border for RTB
частота 270.150
Amberland - GA01 = обмен паролями =
Amberland - GA01 as fragged flight level 150 request ALPHA CHECK Bullseye COWBOY
- GA01 ... TSA17 flight level from100 up 270
- GA01 is WEAPONS SAFE play time 90 minutes
- GA02 ... off to the north
- GA01 going to south GA02 to the north ... 25 miles we will be ready for intercept in about 3 minutes
Amberland - GA01 SNAKE ready
= перехват цели GA01 и GA02 =
Amberland - GA one more intercept
- GA01 next one will be intercept number 1 will be fighter number 2 target
= перехват цели =
- GA01 terminate
- GA02 terminate
Amberland - GA flight will proceed with intercept ... to military exercise
- GA01 copied broadcast control
- GA01 play time 50 minutes
ALPHA CHECK - Request for confirmation of bearing and range
WEAPONS SAFE - Weapons control status. Fire only: in self-defense or in responseto a formal order.
SNAKE - Oscillate an IR pointer in a figure eight about a target.
BULLSEYE - An established reference point from which the position of an object can be referenced by bearing (magnetic) and range (nautical miles) from this point.