French navy 5624 - "Атлантик" Франции районе Никосия
12 ноября
Nicosia radar south 124.2
12.00 - 13.00 вход в зону Бейрут
Nicosia - French navy 5624 squawk 1520 flight level 155 my intention proceed east for Beirut air , road IDAKU DIRRE , contact 128.075
Nicosia radar south 124.2
14.25 Прибытие в Бейрут
Nicosia - French navy 5624 ... 1520 squawk my intention is proceed east Beirut FIR
French navy 5624 - Nicosia Roger report me for any level change monitor this frequency
French navy 5624 - Nicosia be advise Beirut follow after VANZA
French navy 5624 - Nicosia Roger IDAKU .... KUKLA
French navy 5624 - Nicosia conduct 128.075
West Sector Low 128.075 MHz
French navy 5624 - Nicosia good afternoon ...
Nicosia radar South sector 124.2
French navy 5624 - Nicosia contact Nicosia 126.3
Nicosia radar East sector 126.300
French navy 5624 - Nicosia identify flight level 235
Nicosia radar East sector Low 127.075
Nicosia radar - French navy 5624 request flight level 220 and navigation warning 20 ноября
Nicosia radar South sector 124.2
Nicosia - French Navy 5624 request to switch with Beirut
French Navy 5624 - Nicosia Beirut 120.3
Nicosia - French Navy 5624 good afternoon again squawk 1520 Beirut ... Beirut just to confirm with you are will proceed to the north in area ... 1579 confirm you dont have any ... area this moment
French Navy 5624 - Nicosia contact Nicosia 126.3
Nicosia radar East sector 126.3
French Navy 5624 - Nicosia flight level 220 proceed to the north
Nicosia radar South sector 124.2
French Navy 5624 - Nicosia you are approaching boundary Athena contact now Athena frequency 135.825
Nicosia radar East sector Low 127.075
Nicosia - French Navy 5624 ... 2000 feet ..
French Navy 5624 - Nicosia approve 2000 feet
French Navy 5624 - Nicosia understqnd your flight for landing at your ships
Nicosia - French Navy 5624 negative this heading low altitude
French Navy 5624 - Nicosia Roger how many may approximately at this direction will go/ you going to the road or landing
Nicosia - French Navy 5624 negative for ... will be LGSA to heading 2000 feet proceeding east for approximately 80 nm
French Navy 5624 - Nicosia Roger thanks